Saturday, November 9, 2013

Letting Go

For a long time I've had good intentions about writing another blog post, and today I'm finally putting them into action by drafting a post on what's going on with the girls JAM works with from Imizamo Yethu.  But, in the meantime, I have already written a post for the JAM blog - if you didn't get to read it yet, here's a taste and a link:

"Less than two hours after I arrived at JAM in June, I hopped into the Quantum and headed to Sir Lowry's Pass with the team.  When we walked through the township to pick up kids, my heart was simultaneously warmed by their smiles and broken by the poverty surrounding them.  It was hard for me to let go of their hands and tight hugs when we left, but even harder to let go of my sadness and frustration at their situation.  That night I wrote in my journal: 'Father, I know I'm supposed to trust You.  Last night I read again Jesus' admonition not to worry - You will take care of me, Father, but do I only believe that because I go to bed with a full belly and clothes on my back every day?  I cannot get over the intense poverty that people live in in Sir Lowry's.  The children don't have enough food!  Their teeth aren't taken care of!  Their shoes are worn out and their clothes are falling apart!  Father, the flowers of the field are dressed better than these children!  Why don't they have enough, God?'"

For the rest you'll have to go here:
While you're there, please check out the rest of the JAM blog to hear from some of the absolutely amazing people I've had the priviledge to work with over the past five months.

Cheers from South Africa, but not quite for the last time - I still have 8 days left in this wonderful country!  Here's hoping I can squeeze in a few more blog posts before I get on the plane back to the US.  :)

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